Latest data shows Brazil’s indigenous population is getting “younger”

Sao Paulo, Brazil- The number of young people among Brazil’s indigenous people is growing, according to 2022 census data freed Published this month by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

The institute reports that the Aboriginal population aged 17 and under has grown “significantly” in many parts of the country since the last census in 2010. According to the study, the average age of indigenous people living across Brazil is 25 years old, while the average age of those living in indigenous protected areas is 19 years old.

Data shows that rural Aboriginal communities tend to have younger populations, while Aboriginal people living closer to larger cities are more likely to be older.

“Compared with Aboriginal people across the country as a whole, Aboriginal people living on Aboriginal lands have a younger age structure, and older Aboriginal people are also losing weight,” the report reads.

Northern Brazil, including the Amazon, which has a large number of indigenous protected areas, has the lowest index of aging indigenous populations in the country. In the region, 19 out of every 100 people aged 14 or under are aged 60 or over, and the average age of Northern Aboriginal people is 21.

In contrast, southeastern Brazil is home to the metropolitan cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Highest The average aging rate is 36 years old. The average age of indigenous residents in these two cities is 42 years old, with the average age of indigenous residents in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro being 42 years old.

The expansion of indigenous populations across Brazil

Indigenous people of all ethnic groups during the “Terra Livre 2024 Camp” in Brasilia
(Courtesy of Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil)

Another revelation from the census data is the growth of the Aboriginal population, albeit unevenly across the country’s five regions.

August, IBGE freed Census data shows significant growth – jumping from 896,917 Aboriginal people in 2010 to 1,693,535 in 2022. According to this data, the indigenous population accounts for 0.83% of Brazil’s total population. (IBGE has been releasing some information for the 2022 Census since data related to Aboriginal populations was first released in August 2023)

However, this increase may be related to changes in the census. Questionnaire survey will start in 2022 ask Whether the respondent considered themselves Aboriginal, even in areas remote from Aboriginal lands but with a traditional people presence.

The data also shows that southeastern Brazil has the highest proportion of indigenous people living outside their original area: 82%, compared with 58% in the north.

In addition, the Yanomami indigenous territory, which borders Venezuela to the north, is home to the largest number of indigenous people, with 27,152 indigenous people. This is followed by Raposa do Sol, an indigenous land sandwiched between Venezuela and Guyana, with 26,176 indigenous people, and Évare I, on the border with Peru, with 20,177 indigenous people.

Other indigenous territories in the Brazilian Amazon, such as Munduruku and San Marcos, have seen their total populations increase by 3,134 and 2,280 indigenous peoples respectively since 2010, while La Posa do Sol has experienced Since then, the number of Aboriginal people aged 17 and under has jumped by 4,815.

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